Adobe Site Catalyst: Track visits and events

This document provides an overview of implementing Adobe Site Catalyst tracking on your ion experiences.

Before We Begin

You’ll need to round up a few items from Site Catalyst, listed below:

  • s_code.js file or URL path to where it is hosted
    • If you seek to host the s_code.js file in Ion, email our team to receive instructions on how to upload the file
  • page-level tracking script
  • event tracking script

You'll also need a creative in Ion that includes elements you seek to track.

Let's Get Started!

1. Prepare script for use in ion

a. Leverage core fields in page view script

ion Core Fields can be dynamically inserted into any third-party tracking script to populate values for key metrics. Below is an example of how you can leverage core fields in Site Catalyst page view script to populate the page name variable:


b. Obtain element id's for event tracking

If you choose to use jQuery selectors to implement onclick event tracking, you can obtain element id's via the Creative Studio editor. Click over the element you seek to track. In Creative Studio under the Edit tab, the first item will be they type of element you selected along with it's id. Preface the id with #ball_ in your onclick script.

2. Add script to your global library

ion's global script library provides storage for your third-party tracking scripts. Once script is stored in the library, you can implement it on your ion experiences via campaign, creative or page-level drop-down menus. Leveraging the script library enables you make global changes to your script, if needed.

The steps below assume you'll implement page view and event tracking.

  1. Navigate to the Libraries menu item and select Scripts
  2. Click green “New script category” button and label it Site Catalyst
  3. Optionally add a description
  4. Click green “New script” button and label Page View
  5. Paste script into the editor and save
  6. Follow the same steps to store your event tracking script

3. Implement script on your campaigns, creatives and pages

You can add third-party tracking script to an entire campaign, creative or a single page. Follow the steps below:

  • Add script to the Campaign-level to implement script on every page in every creative within a campaign
    • Navigate to the Campaign Management screen, click the Actions dropdown menu and click “Edit campaign”
    • From the head or closing body tag options, select the script from the dropdown menus and save
  • Add script to the Creative-level to implement script on every page within a creative
    • Navigate to the Creative Management screen and click the “Edit creative properties” button
    • From the head or closing body tag options, select the script from the dropdown menus and save
  • Add script to a specific page
    • Navigate into the page and click on the Page tab in your creative studio
    • Click on +scripts
    • From the head, form or closing body tag options, select the script from the drop-down menus and save

 4. Test tracking installation

Navigate through your creative, interacting with the elements you're tracking. Use a debugger to ensure your script is loading without errors and your onclick tracking events fire properly. Verify in Site Catalyst that tracking is successful.

Nice job!