How to create a bill with PJBank on iClips?

With PJBank, the generation of bills in iClips gains countless advantages and avoids bureaucracy. See how in this article

This feature will certainly make managers and the financial department very happy!
Why? Because it's never been so easy to generate an iClips ticket! Besides not having to generate remittance and return files from the bank, now, with PJBank you only pay the fee for the bills that are paid.

Advantages of generating bills by PJBank:
  • Simple registration on iClips;
  • No bureaucracy;
  • Fixed fee, you only pay in the payment of the bill;
  • Security in receiving payments;
  • Automatic low in the launches.
First of all, it will be necessary to configure your account to PJBank in a simple way, click here to know how to perform this procedure. In case you have already done this configuration, we can already generate the bill.

To generate the bill, go to Financial > Postings > Accounts Receivable.

Select the release you want and go in the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen > Generate Bill of Exchange. See the image below:

When the bill of exchange is generated, it is automatically registered in the banking system via API, without needing the remittance file.

When the client pays it is automatically downloaded in iClips, excluding the need of the return file.

After placing the expiration date and confirming the bill generation, you can already consult it in Financial > Boletos. Check it out:

As soon as the bills are paid, iClips will automatically download them, making the work of the financier even easier.

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