Frameworks & Micro-Themes: Develop Your Own

So you want to create plug and play themes and Micro-Themes for ion? Excellent! Download the Micro-Theme developer's kit below for detailed instructions on how to create your own frameworks and themes.

This kit includes a developer's guide (.pdf), a master theme LESS guide (.pdf) and a companion framework (.zip). The companion framework includes an example theme (.css) and master LESS files (.less, .css).

Throughout the guide, you will find helpful references to example code in the companion framework. You will also learn: 

  • What the different pieces are
  • Directory structure
  • What a master page is
  • Creating themes and Micro-Themes
  • Creating themes from ion’s provided LESS Files*
  • Form styling
  • Framework specific image libraries
  • In-console framework management 


Implementers of ion path frameworks need the following minimum skills—current web site development skills including understanding and proficiency with:

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • LESS*
  • Code compiler*

*Master LESS Files

If you are familiar with CSS pre-processors, ion has developed a set of LESS files that utilize variables that allow you to create themes in a fraction of the time as coding from just CSS. By utilizing our LESS files, you can insert your colors and fonts into the variables and get a theme in your brand colors quickly. The guide teaches you about:

  • The program requirements for using our LESS files
  • The content of our Master LESS Files
  • The structure of our settings.less file and the important variables

Master Theme

Theme Training - Technical Documentation.pdf


If you have any questions, please contact us on 😀