External tracking: Allocate external conversions to Ion platform - Domain Switch

You can tag and mark conversions that take place outside of Ion even if there is a domain switch.

In addition to implementing your "tag", "convert" or "tag & convert" javascript on the external site, you'll also implement the “Recognize” script on the receiving page and pass Ion parameters on your handoff URL.

After implementing your "tag", "convert" or "tag & convert" script on the external site, follow the steps below to accommodate the domain switch:

  1. Navigate into your console’s Integrations screen
  2. Click the “External tracking” button at the top of your screen
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on Advanced Options.
  4. Copy the Recognize script and paste on to your external receiving page.
  5. Add ?$$ (if first parameter) or &$$ (if secondary parameter) to the end of your Ion hand-off URL(s) to pass the necessary parameters.

    If you have any questions, please contact us at help@rockcontent.com. 😀