Data Collection: Create a Validation Pattern

Your Ion console comes pre-installed with the most common validation patterns for things like email address, date, phone, etc. Validation patterns are comprised of code known as "regular expressions" and are applied to data fields to ensure they can only accept data in a certain format.

To create a new validation pattern, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Data Management tab in side nav
  2. Click Data Collection
  3. Click Validation Pattern tab
  4. Click the green "New validation pattern" button
  5. Give your validation pattern a title
  6. Paste your regular expression into the regular expression text box
  7. Save to go back to Data Collection screen

To apply your new validation pattern to a data field, follow the below steps:

  1. Click into the data field category that houses the data field you want to apply your new regular expression to
  2. Click the data field
  3. Select your new validation pattern from the validation pattern dropdown menu