Why tag and some things to have in mind when doing so

Tagging Interactive Components in Ion help you understand what visitors are engaging with the most on the Pages. You can use Tags to identify any trends on the experience

One of the most significant benefits of a piece of interactive content is the learnings you can obtain by encouraging site visitors to interact with your content. Data can be collected when a user answers simple quiz questions or hovers over reveal tiles to learn more about a specific topic. Seeing what users are engaged with is valuable to brands because it can provide insight into how engaging the content is and also provide a better understanding of who your site visitors are and what motivates them.

Think Beyond the Conversion

Each interactive content experience that you create has a goal - increased leads, engagement, purchase, request a demo, etc. To measure this goal and determine success, there is always an action that is marked as the conversion. A converted lead means that the experience achieved its purpose, it was a success. And while conversions are significant, to understand our audience, we have to think beyond the conversion.

The Value of Tagging

Tagging elements in ion help us understand what our visitors are engaging with on the page. We can use tags to identify any trends in the experience, such as elements that are clicked on more than others or determine where there is a fall off, such as a specific chapter of an ebook being visited less often than others.

Within Creative Services, we use tags to help make decisions when we are looking to launch a test creative or make updates to an existing one based on engagement data. When tagging elements on experience, it is helpful and best practice to be strategic about the conventions of the tags. It is also useful to tag the elements with generic language because, in ion, you can reuse tags in other creatives when applicable.

Tags for Multi-Page Experiences

When creating tags in a multipage interactive experience, such as an ebook or microsite, there are a few best practices for ensuring that you capture meaningful insights. For example, if you have an accordion on every page of your ebook, and you tag each accordion as “accordion” you will not be able to measure the success of one chapter over the other.

Examples of Tags Used in an Ebook -

  • Ch 1 - Accordion 1 - This is the first chapter of an ebook and the first section of the accordion
  • Ch 1 - Accordion 2 - This is the first chapter of an ebook and the first section of the accordion
  • Nav - Ch 1 - Locked - This tag would be used when chapter 1 is clicked on from the navigation while it’s gated.
  • Nav - Ch 1 - Unlocked - This tag would be used when chapter 1 is clicked on from the navigation after the ebook has been ungated.

When looking at the tags above you can see that it is structured in a way that tells the location of the element - the page name - the element and if relevant any supporting details. These tags can be used again in another interactive experience, which is helpful for anyone creating in the platform.

Tagging Forms or Calls to Action

When we are creating an interactive experience, we often place multiple CTA’s throughout the experience, giving users easy access to the value of the page. But, if we tag each CTA the same, we won’t learn if there is a CTA that is more enticing to visitors.

Tips for tagging CTA and form tags:

  • Download Now - Header - This tag would be used when a user clicks a CTA to download an asset located in the header of the experience
  • Download Now - Section 1 - This tag would be used when they click the download button in the first section. For the remaining sections, you would use “Download Now - Section 2, Section 3” and so on.
  • Download Now - Bottom - This tag would be used when the Download Now button at the bottom of the page is clicked.
  • Form Complete - The holy grail of tags! Use this tag when a visitor completes a form.

Tagging your experiences is important because it tells us so much about our audience, their interests, and also the success of our experience. Anything that is clickable on your page should be tagged.

Tag Management

It is recommended that you have a document on Google Sheets that keeps track of all approved tags being used in your creatives. 

For additional assistance with tags, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager for guidance, or continue reading about tagging best practices here.

Ion now has a new feature to optimize the usage of Tags, the Tag Map! Learn more in this article 😀


If you have any questions, please contact us on help@rockcontent.com. 😀