Salesforce: Post data using SFDC web-to-lead code

Ready to create leads in real-time in your SFDC platform? Excellent! This document provides step-by-step instructions to set “post to web form” integration type in ion.

Before we begin

There are few items you'll need to roundup from Salesforce prior to setting up the integration, listed below:

  • SFDC web-to-lead code
    • SFDC web-to-lead code will include the SFDC field names, required “hidden” fields and the post URL
    • In Salesforce console, click Setup > APP Setup > Leads > Web to Lead

There are a few items you'll need to have ready in ion prior to setting up the integration, listed below:

  • Create data collection fields
  • Create SFDC hidden with the following data names
    • oid
    • retURL
  • Create ion form(s)
  • Set up testing creative

Let’s Get Started!

1. Create field mapping

Taking the steps below will map your ion data collection fields to their corresponding SFDC API field names. Be sure to add the SFDC hidden fields to the field mapping. For these hidden fields, you’ll use their values from the web-to-lead code as default values in the field mapping. To get started, add your new field mapping:

  1. Click the Integrations tab in your ion console’s left side nav
  2. Click green “New field mapping” button
  3. Label the field mapping and optionally add a description
  4. From the Integration type menu, select “Post to Web Form”
  5. Save

2. Add Outbound fields to field mapping

Outbound fields define the data you extend from ion to your external web form.

  1. Click the green “New outbound field” button to add a new field to your field mapping
  2. When adding a new field, you will either select from the Data Collection drop-down menus, Core Field drop-down menu, implement a mashup template or add a field via JavaScript
    • To add a form field, use the Data Collection drop-down menus to select the data field category then data collection field
    • OR, to add an ion Core field, select from the Core Field drop-down menu
    • OR, to export multiple ion fields to one external field, use the Mashup Field by plugging , etc. into the editor
    • OR, to reformat a value prior to export, use the JavaScript field to add logic around the value collected in ion. To access data collection fields via Javascript, use respondent.dataname.
  3. Optionally make your field required to run the integration
  4. Optionally add a default value
  5. Enter the external field name
  6. Save
  7. Repeat these steps for each field that should be included in the Field Mapping
  8. Skip inbound fields

3. Create integration

  1. Navigate back to Integrations screen
  2. Click into the Integrations tab
  3. Click green “New integration” button
  4. Enter label
  5. Optionally add a description
  6. Select the Field Mapping you’ve just created
  7. Set maximum retries
    • If there is a service interruption with the external platform, ion will retry the post on the top of the hour for as many retries as you indicate here.
  8. Paste the SFDC post URL from the web-to-lead code into the POST URL field
  9. Skip checkboxes for special requirements
  10. Select POST as the method
  11. Optionally add Debug email address
    • Email addresses specified here will receive an email each time the integration runs that displays the data posted and response received. This is a feature typically only used for testing and troubleshooting.
  12. Skip Save Response as and Authentication options
  13. Save

4. Add integration to ion pages

The ion platform runs the integration based on rules you create. Rules can be added to any actionable item in your ion creative. Integration rules are typically run at the form-level, upon form submission, or on an assessment step. Follow the steps below to add the integration to your ion pages.

  1. Navigate into the creative
  2. Click on the form, button or link you seek to make the trigger to run your integration
  3. In Creative Studio, click on +rules
  4. Select the condition that needs to be met to run the integration
    • “No conditions required” is typically used
  5. Select “Run integration” then select your SFDC integration as the action
  6. Save

5. Test integration

To test your integration, use the creative you set up prior to beginning the integration steps. Please note, integrations do not run in Preview Mode, so you'll want to open a URL for testing. The integration will run once you submit the ion form, or complete the action that runs the integration rule. If you’re on the debug email distribution list, you’ll receive an email that indicates if your test lead has been created in SFDC. You’ll also want to verify success by ensuring the lead was created in your SFDC instance.

Nice work!

Once you’ve completed these steps, your integration is ready for use. You can add the rule to run the integration on all applicable creatives.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 😀