LeadiD: implement tracking

You can implement LeadiD tracking on your ion pages and include the LeadiD token in your data integrations. This document provides step-by-step instructions to integrate LeadiD with your ion experiences.

Before you begin

Once your LeadiD instance is configured, you'll just need your snippet of LeadiD script to begin the integration. in ion, you'll want to have a creative, or set of creatives, with lead generation form(s) ready-to-go.

Let's get started!

1. Create ion data collection field to store LeadiD token

Follow the steps below to create an ion field to store the LeadiD token in. This will make the token available for inclusion in any data integration.

  1. Under the Data Management navigation menu, select Data Collection
  2. Under Data Fields, create a new category or navigate into an existing one
    • It may make sense organizationally to create a dedicated category for your hidden fields
  3. Click green “New data field” button and add a friendly title and optional description
  4. Input universal_leadid as the data name
  5. Set a maximum length of 256 characters
  6. Save

2. Add LeadiD Script to your ion script library

Follow the steps below to store and manage LeadiD script in ion's global script library.

  1. Under the Libraries navigation menu, select Scripts
  2. Add a new category labeled LeadiD and save
  3. Click green “New script” button and label it “Form - closing body”
  4. Optionally add a description
  5. Paste your LeadiD script into the editor
  6. Save

3. Add hidden field to your ion form(s)

You'll add the data collection field you created in step 1 to your ion forms. There are (3) types of forms in ion. Follow the steps below to update the form type you're using.

a. Freestyle forms: created on the page in creative studio

  1. Navigate into your form page
  2. From creative studio's form category, drag a hidden input into your form
  3. Click on +Data Field
  4. Select the category then data collection field you created in step 1
  5. Save

b. Table generated library form

  1. Under the Libraries navigation menu, select Forms
  2. Navigate into the form you seek to update
  3. Click green “ New form field” button
  4. Select the category then data collection field you created in step 1
  5. Select hidden text as the input type
  6. Leave the value blank and save

c. HTML library form

  1. Under the Libraries navigation menu, select Forms
  2. Navigate into the form you seek to update
  3. Click the Actions dropdown menu and select “Edit form”
  4. Add code that looks like the below to your form’s HTML
    • <input id= "leadid_token" name="universal_leadid" type="hidden" value=""/>
  5. Save
  6. Click into the new form field to edit it
  7. Select the category then data collection field you created in step 1
  8. Select hidden as the input type
  9. Save   

4. Add LeadiD script to your ion form page(s)

Follow the steps below to add your LeadiD script to ion form pages.

  1. Navigate into the form page
  2. From the creative studio Page tab, click on +Scripts
  3. From the </body> menu, select LeadiD > Form page - closing body
  4. Save
  5. Repeat for each applicable form page

5. Optionally include LeadiD token in your data integration

If you seek to include the LeadiD token in your integration used to export ion data to an external service, follow the steps below. You'll first need to create a field in the external platform to accept this value.

  1. Navigate into your console’s Integrations screen
  2. Click into the field mapping you would like to update
  3. Click green “New outbound field” button
  4. From the data collection drop down, select the data field you created in step 1
  5. Skip customization options
  6. Input the field you created in the external service as the external field name
  7. Save

6. Test your Integration

Follow the steps below to test your LeadiD integration

  1. Create a URL for your testing creative
  2. Navigate through the creative
  3. Ensure a LeadiD token is created using a debugger or by checking your LeadiD instance
  4. If the field was added to an integration, check the external service to ensure the LeadiD token was successfully included with the lead data

Nice job!

Your LeadiD integration is ready to roll out to all applicable creatives. Feel free to contact our Support Team as needed for support.