How to analyze your Cash Projection

With this information, it will be possible to know your financial availability (profit or loss) and the need for working capital to maintain the agency. It is very important to work with projections, as agency earnings almost never arrive in the same month as the sale.

Unlike cash flow, the cash projection analyzes future postings (receivables and payables). This report will provide a basis for what the agency will look like in the months to come.

An example of an important analysis is to understand if the agency is prepared to bear its future expenses, considering that clients do not always pay their amounts in the month in which the proposal was accepted, and the media outlets usually pay commissions later.

To run an analysis on cash projection, just follow the path: Financial > Reports > Cash Projection:

Add the date and account filters, choose the report's level of detail and you will see the data in table format, detailing the amounts receivable, payable and the projected final balance month by month.

Using the navigation controls at the top of the screen, you can view the data in the form of a graph:

Another possible visualization is that of a statement, which shows the transactions that are expected in a certain period. To access it, just configure the desired filters, always choosing account and date (from the current month onwards) in the fields below:

The screen will show the described items in chronological order. In red will be the payable entries while in blue, receivables. Note that, at the end, you will have a summary of the period and the final result of your projections:

You can print the report in PDF or generate an Excel version. To do this, just click on the icons in the upper right corner:

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