When Does a Project Kick-Off?

Projects with a Project Coordinator (PC) or Project Manager (PM): most videos, infographics, interactives, or presentation projects

Projects without a Project Coordinator (PC) or Project Manager (PM): most templates, illustrations, social content, or writing only projects


Projects with a Project Coordinator (PC) or Project Manager (PM)
For projects including a PC or PM, they will be responsible for advancing the project kick-off milestone. To advance the kick-off milestone, the PC or PM will first need to see that the creative team has what they need to begin their work. What this includes will differ from project to project, but the primary criteria will be to ensure that information necessary for completion of the first deliverables has been provided.  


The PC or PM will be responsible for:

  1. Thoroughly reviewing the Creative Brief to ensure that all key elements are included
  2. Reviewing the timeline against the Project Management portion of the Creative Brief
  3. Confirming with the appropriate team members that they have what the need to begin their work
  4. Posting in the Activity Feed to request any missing information from the client, specifying which pieces could delay project kick-off

If the project has a kick-off call, the creative team and client will need to work to determine together if work should begin prior to the call taking place. Once the PC or PM has confirmed the project is ready for kick-off, they will select the "This project is ready for kick-off" button at the top of the activity feed. 


Projects without a Project Coordinator (PC) or Project Manager (PM)
For projects which to do not include a Project Coordinator or Manager, the project will automatically kick off once the creative team is assigned. In these instances, it is the role of each member of the assigned team and the client to ensure that all required information and assets have been provided. 

Each member of the assigned team should immediately:

  1. Thoroughly review the Creative Brief to ensure that all key elements are included
  2. Post in the Activity Feed to request any missing information from the client, specifying which pieces could delay work.

If you need advice about whether a project is ready to kick off, contact Visually at help@rockcontent.com