The hours worked shown in the Project Cost are not the same as in the Customer Ranking. What happened?

Did you try to compare these two reports and saw a difference? We explain the reason.

It is common that when we see two reports on iClips while looking for information with the same name, we deduce that this information needs to be the same. But not quite.

In iClips, each report has a different business rule.

What does that mean?

That means that, even if the information is the same, the reports make different filters.

An example is the hours worked shown in the Customer Ranking and in the Project Cost.

  • Project Cost: usually, this report brings a total of hours less than the Customer Ranking, that is because it works only with tasks already completed.


  • Customer Ranking: the Customer Ranking also brings the tasks that have not yet been completed, so, usually, it will always have hours slightly higher than the Project Cost report.

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