Schedule an Open or Close Time for Your Stream

Setting up an Open Stream time for your stream, allows your stream to automatically open at a scheduled date and time in the future. This is helpful if your Editor or Administrator is unable to open the stream at a scheduled time.


Dashboard > Any Live stream > Setup > Stream


Administrator  |  Developer  |  Editor 

Schedule your Stream to Automatically Open

Setting up your stream to automatically open in the future will allow your front-end users to see a countdown to the start date and time of your stream. You can also set up an email notification, allowing your front-end users to provide their email addresses to be notified of your stream’s start time. 

  1. After opening your Stream, go to Setup > Stream located at the top of the page to go to your stream’s Basic Setup page.
  2. Locate the Schedule Time module. Ensure the Open Stream slider is switched to Schedule.
  3. Click the date field to select a start date from the calendar for your stream.
  4. Click on the drop-down menu to select a start time for your stream.
  5. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Basic Setup page. 

Set up a Promotion Time for your Stream

Setting up a Promotion Time allows you to promote your stream prior to your stream’s start time.

This allows you to post content to your stream without triggering the email notification of your stream start time, and also allows your front-end users to post questions before your stream begins.

 Simply set your Stream Start Time to a date and time after your Open Stream time. 

Hold your Stream Open Until a Specific Date and Time

Set a close date/time for your stream if you would like to keep your stream open for an extended period of time. By default, streams are set to autoclose after 180 minutes of inactivity. If your stream is pulling in tweets or Facebook posts, once your stream has closed, tweets and Facebook posts will no longer be pulled into your stream.

To schedule an end time for your stream:

  1. Go to Setup Stream located at the top of the page to go to your stream’s Basic Setup page.
  2. Locate the Schedule Time module. Ensure the Close Stream slider is switched to Schedule.
  3. Click the date field to select the end date from the calendar for your stream.
  4. Click on the drop-down menu to select an end time for your stream.

Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Basic Setup page. 

Schedule your Stream to Automatically Close after a period of inactivity

By default, all streams are set to close after 180 minutes (3 hours) of inactivity. Inactivity is defined as no posts posted to your stream.

 To set up an automatic end time for your stream:

  1. Locate the Schedule Time module in your stream’s Basic Setup page.
  2. Ensure the Close Stream, slider is switched to Autoclose.
  3. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Basic Setup page.