Rock Content Product Updates

A new login experience in your Ion platform!

Written by Moema Vianna | Feb 2, 2022 1:46:14 PM

Hello, Rockstar!


Looking to provide a better experience for you, Ion user, across all your journey, we’re excited to announce a new login experience!

With some usability improvements, the login process will be, from now on, much easier and more intuitive. It includes:

  • a new login page interface;
  • possibility to login with your email address;
  • “showing/hiding” password option;
  • “stay connected” option.

Also, if you forget your password, the process to guide you to reset will be easier now.

The /ion-username login is still valid.


Here is how the new page looks like:


If you have any questions, please reach out to the Support through

Best regards;