[NEW] How can I track my employee's hours?

With the possibility of tracking employee hours on iClips, we have also created a report to help manage this information.

You may have seen that each employee can now manually set the time worked in an activity, right? If not, you can check this news here.

In view of this possibility, our development team released the hours worked per employee report. The goal is to provide a visualization of the worked hours by employees in the project activities in which they are allocated per week.

To access it, go to Projects > Reports > Hours worked per employee or Reports and B.I > Projects > Hours worked per employee.

In addition to being able to select a week in the date filter, you can also use other filters options in the advanced search: by keyword, project, employee and client.

If no advanced search filter is applied, data will be brought from all employees who were attached to activity from an active project that set hours in the week specified in the period filter.

If no dates are entered, the current week will be considered.

The results are the hours set by each employee in the week filtered in the activities to which they attached:

image (1)-Nov-30-2020-08-29-50-38-PM

The data for a specific employee is blank:

This means that this employee did not set any time in that period, or in the other corresponding filters.

What does this time consider?

The data are brought according to the activity. That is, the report shows the hours worked per piece and task but does not detail what they are.

Hours are also totalled by the project. For each project in which the employee is attached to some activity, and has set hours in the week for that project, they are added and displayed.

For hours worked on an activity to be displayed, the activity must be paused or completed. Therefore, activities that are active at the time will not be calculated into the report.

When the employee completes a stage of a piece, it is possible to report the total hours worked at the time of completion. Right? As a total of hours is given, it is not possible to know for certain which hours was worked on which days. Therefore, the hours indicated in these situations are credited to the report on the date of completion of the stage.


Concluded a piece on 11/26 at 09:50 through the "Mark as completed" button and set 12h and 10min as worked.

In the report, these hours will be distributed as follows: 9h and 50min on 11/26 and 2h 20min on 11/25.

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