I can't update my WordPress! What should I do?

If your blog is hosted with us on Stage, find out here why you can't update your WordPress version!

We commonly receive calls from Stage customers saying that they are unable to update WordPress due to a permission error or others. This is because we have actually blocked the permission to update WordPress for users. Only we, internally, can make this update.

When a new version is released, it may come with some errors and bugs that cause websites to break. Here on Stage, we run a series of tests to ensure that it is safe to update before proceeding with the process on all sites.

WordPress updates are of paramount importance, since when a new version is released security holes are usually fixed and/or new features are added!

So, if you noticed that there is a new version available and you want to update your website, just contact support via chat or e-mail at help@rockcontent.com making this request and we will continue with the process for you!

Do you have any further questions? Check here how to contact support :)