How to standardize your actions through project templates?

Learn how to optimize your time when opening a new project.

Standardizing and organizing actions that will be used in a project are very important steps. With that in mind, we have prepared a material that will help you make the most of this information.

1. What is a Project Template?

A project template is a set of information that will be used when developing a project. This information will be defined by the customer success and its data used in the opening of a project and also visualized by the creative sector.

Standardizing the project model is important because whenever you open a new project for the same service, the system will bring up the information you defined previously. For example, a project regarding a collection launch, you always ask your client about their target audience, which vehicles they intend to use for advertising, their competitors, the product differentiation, budget, among others.

Common tasks are usually graphic material budget and the assets are a catalog and a Facebook post. All of this can be standardized in the "collection launch" project template, which greatly optimizes the team's work.

2. Which items are part of project template?

At Studio, we understand that information is valuable. That's why we've included important items that will bring standardization and optimization to your team. To absorb as much information as possible, our project model has the following items:

  • Briefing: scope of work that will be filled in at the opening of the projects by the service team and will also be visualized by the creation team.
  • To-dos: activities that complement the main actions (assets) of the projects.
  • Assets: these are the main project actions that will go through the creation flow.

3. Where do I standardize a project template?

The projects template in Studio is defined in Settings > Project Template.


You can create your own template by clicking on + New


Define the template name, describe what purpose it is ideal for, and set it as default or not. Make sure to also check if it is an active project template.



Briefing questions are essential for defining the scope of the project. Standardizing the details in this item will save time and organize information for everyone involved in the project. Examples of questions: What are the objectives? Who is the target audience? Which channels will this be promoted on? What is the budget?


To add a new question, click on + New question. When you start typing, the system already suggests questions that are linked to other existing templates. If it's a new question, just click "add" and add it. It is possible to change the order by drag and drop, as well as edit and delete questions by hovering the mouse over them:



Tasks are often used for demands that are not directly linked to the creation of the assets. However, its fulfillment is essential to conclude a project. Examples of tasks: braistorming session, campaign planning meeting, proposal writing... 


To add a new task, click on + New to-do, enter the task name, its description and select its relation, if any. The list works as a shortcut for the person in charge to carry out their activities.



Add here which assets are part of the design template created. By clicking on + New, you can either choose between the assets already registered or you can add a new one. It is also possible to edit or delete by hovering over each one.

The system automatically saves the information.

By hovering over a template on the list, you can view, duplicate, edit or exclude it.


4. How to further optimize projects template?

A great Studio feature is that the projects template can be linked to the customer's record.


That way, when your team opens a new project for a particular client, the project template will already be defined, thus optimizing the time spent filling in the information.


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