How to optimize media purchasing through iClips integrations?

Learn how practical it is to purchase media using our iClips media integrations!

iClips has integrations with, E-media, Globosat and Mídia Systems.

These integrations were created to facilitate the media purchase process. To generate the document compatible with the broadcasters, it is necessary to follow some steps:

  • The first step is to register your client's products and services.
  • After finishing the registration, in case it is already included in iClips, just edit the client of the service in question by clicking "Complementary Information" and linking this information to the same registration.

  • In addition to the settings in the client registration, you also need to verify that the media outlet registration is complete.
  • Other important items for which the file is generated are: registration of the "Network" and filling in the "Mnemonic" (acronym) in the media outlet registration in "Complementary Information".

Additionally, add the "Mneo" in the media outlet's price list.

After that, just follow the normal process of how to set up a media map (IO) using iClips. Once this is done, just return to the list of IOs by the following path: Contracts > IOs.

At the list of IOs, just select the box to the left of the media that will be present in the file, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen and select the option according to the broadcaster.

Once this is done, iClips will generate the file compatible with the specifics of the network's system and the last step is to upload it.

Still need help? Simply reach us at or through the chat platform and we will help you!