How to link iClips to PJBank?

In this article, you will see the step-by-step to generate bills through the PJBank system by iClips.

What is PJBank?

PJBank is an integration platform between iClips and your bank. Through iClips, we provide the generation of bills quickly and easily by PJBank - a platform specialized in payments. One of the great benefits is that, from this integration, it will not be necessary to send remittance files or receive return files from your bank. All you have to do is link your account to PJBank through iClips, and you can start generating the bills. Keep on reading and see the step-by-step to make this configuration.

Fill in all the agency details

The details of the agency linked to the account must be complete. To check that everything is right, go to Settings > Agency and edit the agency. If you need to include any information, fill in the fields, and save. Check it out:

Register your bank account correctly

In Financial > Accounts, you can create a new account on +New Account or edit an existing account to check that everything is correct. If it's a new account to be registered on iClips, the button to link the account to PJBank will be available only after saving it.

When you click on Link account to PJBank, an integration will automatically be generated between the generation of bills on iClips and your bank.

This confirmation will come through the notice that is still available in the account data, along with the number generated from the PJBank virtual account. Check out the image below.

Also on this screen, you can define the percentage of interest and the fine that must be charged in the bills that will be generated in the Boleto Data tab (on the screen's left).

When you correctly link your bank account to PJBank, you can generate bills through iClips and consult them whenever you want. Note: the fee for the generated bills is only charged when it is paid.

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