How to issue a graph of the value invested in media

To help you in this analysis, we will learn a little about the report that shows exactly how much was invested in media by your clients in a given period in a more detailed way.

Just go to CONTRACTS > REPORTS > INVESTMENT IN MEDIA. This screen, as well as other reports in the system, will open in the blank, waiting for a date search and possible filtering for more exact results.


The system will then display a graph indicating the gross and net investment and commission amount in relation to the media data in the system.

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Right below, a table with the months and year for those investments is also presented, providing another way of displaying data shown in the graph.

In addition to this overview, it is possible to analyze by each type of media too! Just go to CONTRACTS > REPORTS > INVESTMENT BY TYPE OF MEDIA. To generate results, you need to define a period for the search; this will show in detail how much was spent on media in each month.

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After completing the search, the system will display the data in the form of a graph in the first part of the screen.

There will be two types: on the left, the curves signal the investment in each type of media, in the selected period. On the right, the pie chart will show the total investment values and the percentage for each media.

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In the second part of the screen, you will see details of the values in a table format. In this table, we can see the values separated by month, the total invested and the percentage of investment for that media.

It is still possible to print the report in PDF or generate the Excel version.

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In this report, we can also filter by the amount negotiated or by the agency's commission.

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Keep in mind that the table view is also available when we filter by the commission. Therefore, you will now have a more detailed perspective of how much your client is investing in media and how much your agency is earning from it.

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