How to change the order of the elements in the sidebar

Do you know what widgets are and what uses it have? If not, now is the time to learn a new possibility for your blog's sidebar.

When decorating a home office, when placing pictures and several post-its scattered on the wall, sometimes the desire to make changes arises.

However, it is not always a good idea to remove that frame already nailed to the wall, right?

In the world of WordPress, we have great news! Changing the order of the elements in the sidebar is even easier than adding them.

Put your widgets in the order you want

As we taught in the previous topic, you need to access your WordPress blog panel to change the sidebar's elements order. Right on the left, you can click on the “Appearance” option and then on "Widgets”.

On the left side, you will find the areas of your template designated for widgets. So, it is time to look for that feature that you want to put right at the beginning of your blog's right sidebar, for example.

Did you find the widget to move? Click on it and simply drag it to the desired location. Remember that you can also move it to the sidebar located at the end of your blog, known as a footer, for example.


To move a widget to a different area, drag it to the block named after the desired location. Modifications are free according to your taste!

That is it! Much easier than changing a painting, right? Now that you know how to position widgets, how about learning to insert or remove a call-to-action banner?


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