How do I Enable SSL on my White Label?

SSL Certificates provide an added layer of assurance that the site in question meets all SSL security requirements. This is particularly important to those customers that have a public audience, as engagement depends on their ability to convince customers that their site is safe to use.


Studies Indicated ...

... that 84% of website visitors would be more likely to abandon a site if it did not come with HTTPS. SSL security seals also increase the likelihood of conversion because those pages that do not come with a security seal have seen as much as 61% of their customers abandon the site.


The process is similar to setting up the White label -

To enable SSL on your White Label:

  1. Step 1 - Create a White Label Template
  2. Step 2 - Set Up a White Label Template in Live
  3. Step 3 - Set Up a CNAME with your server administrator.
  4. Step 4 - Send a CNAME request to Live. After you have completed Step #3, reach out to with the requested information. We then support your domain name by generating an SSL certificate request and send it back to you for approval. Once the request has been approved by you and the SSL certificate is made available in our AWS account, we will provide you further instructions to complete the final steps. 


*NOTE: Once https is enabled, all traffic will be redirected to a secure URL that uses https. If your whitelabel has any insecure assets that use http, it is vital that they are updated prior to securing your site.