Automatically Pull-In Instagram Content From Specific Users

The Instagram Automate feature allows you to automatically publish Instagram posts into your stream from specific public usernames. Follow multiple users at the same time, allowing you to efficiently curate content in-line with your stream’s subject matter.  


Dashboard > Any Live Stream > Write
Permission Level
Administrator  |  Developer  |  Editor


Auto-Follow a Specific Instagram Account

To automatically pull-in posts from a specific Instagram User:

1. Go to your stream’s Write page and click on Menu > Automate Instagram at the top of the page.
2. Set a query interval for the Instagram user you want to follow. Setting a query interval will post new Instagram images and videos from the Instagram user. Query intervals can be set to every 30 secondsminute, 2 minutes or 5 minutes.

Note: The query interval determines how often new content is pulled from Instagram. By default, Instagram posts from a followed Instagram user will be published to your stream every 30 seconds. Query intervals can be set for each Instagram user added to your Follow list. 

3. If you wish to remove a query interval, you will need to remove the Instagram user from your Follow list, and re-add them, with your preferred query interval setting.

  1. 4. In the User column, enter an Instagram username in the Name field and click on the Follow button.
    Images or video posted to the Instagram user’s public account will be pulled into your stream's live feed.
  2. Note: An Instagram user’s profile must be public for their posts to automatically appear in your stream.

Unfollow Instagram Users

To stop a followed Instagram user’s posts from automatically flowing into your stream:

  1. Go to your stream’s Write page and click on Menu > Automate > Instagram at the top of the page.
  2. In the Users column, locate the list of Instagram users your stream presently auto-follows.
  3. Click Unfollow located on the right-side of the Instagram username you no longer wish to auto-follow.

Automatically Post Instagram Content Containing Specific Hashtags or Keywords