API Operations: Users



GET /user
HTTP Basic authentication to obtain an authentication key (Auth) for future requests. An authentication key will last for a up to 2 hours or until the user's password is changed.

Token (Required) String
The token is a dedicated authorization key provided to the client to consume the API.

username (Required) String
The email address of the user being authenticated to make calls to the API.

password (Required) String
The password of the user being authenticated.

Format String
Format of the data returned by the API call. Can be either “xml”, “json” or “html”.

API Call: http://apiv1.scribblelive.com/user/?Token={Api Token}&Format=html

Example PHP script which returns the user’s Id, Name, Avatar and Auth in the JSON format. You need to set $api_token, $username and $password:

$api_token = "xxxxxxxx"; // generate token here: https://client.scribblelive.com/client/API.aspx (need to be logged in to Live)
$username = "xxxx@xxx.com"; // email address registered with Live
$password = "xxxxxxxxx"; // Live password
$url = "http://apiv1.scribblelive.com/user/?Token=".$api_token."&Format=json"; // make sure you have entered your api token above

print get_data($url,$username,$password);

function get_data($url,$username,$password) {
   $ch = curl_init();
   $timeout = 5;
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username . ":" . $password);
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Content-Type: application/json'));
   $data = curl_exec($ch);
   return $data;

GET /user/{User Id}
Displays detailed information about the user with id {User Id}.

User Id (Required) Integer
The ID of the user whose information is being retrieved.

Token (Required) String
The token is a dedicated authorization key provided to the client to consume the API.

Auth (Required) String
The authentication key ensures the user of the API has been authenticated to use the service. The authentication key can be obtained by making a call to /user with the user's credentials.

Format String
Format of the data returned by the API call. Can be either “xml”, “json” or “html”.

API Call: http://apiv1.scribblelive.com/user/{User Id}/?Token={Api Token}&Auth={Authentication Key}&Format=html

GET /user
Sets the authenticated user's name
POST /user
Sets the authenticated user's avatar

Token (Required) String
The token is a dedicated authorization key provided to the client to consume the API.

Name (Required) String
The name that the user's name should be set to.

Auth (Required) String
The authentication key ensures the user of the API has been authenticated to use the service. The authentication key can be obtained by making a call to /user with the user's credentials.

Format String
Format of the data returned by the API call. Can be either “xml”, “json” or “html”.

API Call: http://apiv1.scribblelive.com/user/?Token={Api Token}&Name={New name}&Auth={Authentication Key}&Format=html

GET /user/{User Id}/clients
Shows all the clients to which the user account is connected, and the user's respective client permissions on each.

User Id (Required) Integer
The ID of the user to get information about.

Token (Required) String
The token is a dedicated authorization key provided to the client to consume the API.

Auth (Required) String
The authentication key ensures the user of the API has been authenticated to use the service. The authentication key can be obtained by making a call to /user with the user's credentials.

Format String
Format of the data returned by the API call. Can be either “xml”, “json” or “html”.

API Call: http://apiv1.scribblelive.com/user/{User Id}/clients/?Token={Api Token}&Auth={Authentication Key}&Format=html

GET /user/create
Creates an anonymous account for commenting. Can use HTTP GET or POST.

If an image file is included via HTTP POST, image will be resized to 50px by 50px and used as the avatar of the user account.

{IP Address} should be the current IP of the user, but is optional. If it is not passed, we’ll automatically use the IP of the request.

Token (Required) String
The token is a dedicated authorization key provided to the client to consume the API.

Name (Required) String
The name of the anonymous user that is to be created.
IP String
The IP address of the anonymous user

Auth (Required) String
The authentication key ensures the user of the API has been authenticated to use the service. The authentication key can be obtained by making a call to /user with the user's credentials.

Format String
Format of the data returned by the API call. Can be either “xml”, “json” or “html”.

API Call: http://apiv1.scribblelive.com/user/create/?Token={Api Token}&Name={New name}&IP={IP Address}&Auth={Authentication Key}&Format=html

POST /user/create
Creates an anonymous account for commenting. Can use HTTP GET or POST.

If an image file is included via HTTP POST, image will be resized to 50px by 50px and used as the avatar of the user account.

{IP Address} should be the current IP of the user, but is optional. If it is not passed, we'll automatically use the IP of the request.

Note: HTTP POST an image file (JPG, GIF, PNG)

Token (Required) String
The token is a dedicated authorization key provided to the client to consume the API.

Name (Required) String
The name of the anonymous user that is to be created.

IP String
The IP address of the anonymous user

Auth (Required) String
The authentication key ensures the user of the API has been authenticated to use the service. The authentication key can be obtained by making a call to /user with the user's credentials.

Format String
Format of the data returned by the API call. Can be either “xml”, “json” or “html”.

API Call: http://apiv1.scribblelive.com/user/create/?Token={Api Token}&Name={New name}&IP={IP Address}&Auth={Authentication Key}&Format=html