Where can the creative team view information from the brief and customer profile to prepare the assets?

In this article, you will see how the brief and the customer profile are essential for the creative team

How important is the brief and client profile?

The client profile is under construction 😊 This feature is coming soon!

The preparation of the brief is already part of the routine of an advertising company. It is through the brief that the scope of work is developed and planned by the team. On the other hand, the information about the client's profile is a complement to the brief. It will help your creative team to better understand the customers' needs.

How will the creative team receive this information?

But, just as important as doing a good brief and creating an adequate customer profile, is getting this information to the creative team. For this, Studio has specific and easy-to-view fields that can be accessed by the employee when entering the details of a task through their dashboard.


There they will have access to the asset brief, the project, and the client profile, keeping all the information gathered in the same place.

Clicking on the project they will be redirected to its overview page, also being able to access the project brief and other important information:


Benefits for the entire company

In addition to promoting integration between the service and creation teams, he client profile and brief can help reduce redos, as with this information being filled in correctly and reaching the team easily, the possibility of a client requesting any corrections will be reduced.


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