Quick Tips to Accelerate Your Interactive Content Marketing Results

Learn some tips that will help you succeed with your audience!

In Ion, we’re seeing more and more brands adopt interactive content every day. They’re using it to solve marketing challenges, ranging from low audience engagement to poor lead quality. To help you succeed, here are three quick tips to help you leverage interactive content to improve your marketing results.

Embed your interactive content everywhere

When you launch interactive content (like an assessment, calculator or quiz), it can stand alone within a landing page or microsite. But it can also be embedded into any other web page, such as your homepage or a product page. Embedding interactive content into your site is just like embedding a YouTube video. It's a simple and effective way to distribute your content in more of your owned channels—so spread it far and wide to get as much distribution for it as you can. Diversify the campaigns and the pages where you publish your interactive content experience to maximize audience exposure.

Share your interactive content everywhere

Sharing your content is a no-brainer... obviously. It’s the whole point, isn’t it? But it’s sometimes forgotten that some types of content can earn you more shares and interest in certain channels.

To understand the value of marketing interactive content on social media, the stats from Content Marketing Institute’s recent study on interactive content say it best:

  • 79% of content marketers agree that interactive content results in repeat visitors and multiple exposures. 
  • 81% agree that interactive content grabs attention more e effectively (than static content). 
  • Social media ranks as the second most used area for interactive content.

Interactive content such as quizzes and interactive infographics, in particular, is a natural format for social sharing, engagement and distribution. Demand Metric data showed that marketers reported almost twice the engagement with interactive content than with static content. Do a quick Twitter search for the hashtags #interactiveinfographic or #interactivecontent to get inspired by some of the brands jumping on the bandwagon.

Gate your interactive content in unique ways

Gating static content is nothing new. A typical approach is putting a white paper behind a form, for example, requiring visitors to complete the form to gain access to the white paper.
Interactive content can bring a wide variety of new opportunities to gate your content in a way that puts your great content front and center without sacrificing leads and ultimately improving lead quality too. One approach we really like is using a variable gate based on content consumption.
Experiences like interactive white papers and ebooks are great examples of how you can use a variable gate. As a visitor navigates through the interactive white paper, present a gate to access the remainder of the experience—for example, allow a user to view up to two chapters, but on the third chapter, require a form before the remainder of the experience can be accessed. This has worked exceptionally well for our own lead gen at ion, as well as for customers.

Everyone has been disappointed by content at some point, after completing a form to accessing it. By using a variable gate you set the right expectation as to the contents and quality of your content by allowing open access up to a point—you give a taste of the content because you are con dent in the quality of it. Your visitors will appreciate this, and they will convert to gain access to more.

If you have any questions, please contact us on help@rockcontent.com. 😀